Cry Baby

The Cry Baby is a type of wah-wah pedal that is widely used by guitarists and bassists to add expression and tonal variety to their playing. It was developed by the Thomas Organ Company in the 1960s and has since become one of the most iconic and widely used pedals in the history of rock music. The Cry Baby is known for its ability to produce a wide range of wah-wah sounds, from subtle and subtle to extreme and dramatic. It can be used to add emphasis to certain notes, to create sweeping tonal changes, or to add a distinctive wah-wah effect to the overall sound of the guitar or bass. The Cry Baby has been used by countless musicians over the years and has played a role in many classic recordings. It remains a popular choice among guitarists and bassists today for its versatility, ease of use, and iconic sound. The brand is nowaydays owned and produdced by Dunlop.

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